This Kind of Hell, 2012—2013
This multimedia project investigates the rise of white supremacist groups within the Pacific Northwest during the late 20th century. Developed in collaboration with historian Kathleen Belew, this project explores the connections between the Vietnam War, the rise of these groups, and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Through a combination of photography, video, and archival research, I document the sites and symbols of this movement. This includes photographs of locations significant to the rise of the racist right, such as the former Aryan Nations compound in Idaho and the site of the Ruby Ridge standoff. By juxtaposing contemporary images with historical documents, I seek to illuminate the hidden histories of racial violence and challenge dominant narratives about American history.
"This Kind of Hell" aims to foster critical dialogue about the enduring legacies of racism and extremism in the United States and to encourage a deeper understanding of the forces that continue to shape our society.